I recently worked on a python project and noticed a situation where I needed two dictionaries to be merged recursively. There were some easy and simple solutions, but they would not have expected results or the dictionaries were not merged recursively or merged dicts would not properly override values. So I thought to write onecontinue reading
Scribble Archives
Create Amazon Alexa custom skill to interact with your PC
I have been developing custom Alexa skill lately and wanted to tell you how fun and easy it is to build an Alexa custom skill from scratch. Why build a custom skill? Amazon echo and echo dots are smart speaker devices developed by amazon.com and released at the end of 2014 to end-users. These devicescontinue reading
Why Firebase Admin – Development Reasons
This post is about the firebase management tool we recently developed at Codefoxes – Firebase Admin. I will try to explain why we developed it and the uses of the tool. Firebase Admin in Realtime Firebase is a modern NoSQL database system that handles data in realtime. The best thing about firebase is that itcontinue reading
Story of Matter and Consciousness
Today I want to tell you all a story. It’s about you, about me, about everything else. It’s about matter and consciousness. I want you to think about something small. When we think what the human body is made up of, finally we end up with atoms of some of the basic elements. Hydrogen andcontinue reading
How to make Dynamic WordPress Theme Development
There are many wordpress themes out there which look promosing enough to fulfill your design needs. But many of them fail to do so. The problem is they are not dynamic. They are not pluggable. Here are some tips for WordPress Theme Development and to overcome the issue mentioned. WordPress Theme Development Best Practices: Study somecontinue reading
PHP Delete multiple files if name contains..
I wanted to delete thousands of thumbnails mixed with original images using php. There were no easy solutions available in Windows without extra tools. (Dint want command solution either) Here is the script i used to delete multiple files with names containing “word” in them. Note: We need a php server to run this script.
Adding Multiple Hosts in WAMP
Today I was working with my local server and came across a unique situation. I had thousands of WordPress autogenerated images and thumbnails in a local drive. The size was huge. I had to delete only thumbnails with names of special patterns and Windows didn’t give me an option to do that. Quickly I camecontinue reading
Create a free website in 3 Simple Steps
You will be surprised to know that creating a free website is really easy. I have divided this procedure into three steps. Also, I have provided useful links in every step to make it easier. Ok… Let us get started. Register Free domain name. Click here to register free domain name. Search for a requiredcontinue reading
Photoshop Simple Tutorial in 4 Easy Steps
Introduction: What is Adobe Photoshop? Adobe Photoshop is a powerful image-editing tool to produce complex graphics for the web and for print. Photoshop lets you create, refine, and optimize Web graphics with ease, or produce Web animations, rollover effects, and other dynamic Web graphics. It has a powerful set of Web tools for optimizing and previewingcontinue reading