A few years ago I have written a post on “How to create custom endpoint in WooCommerce API“. That was I think for v3 of older WooCommerce. After that, I did not get much time to work on WooCommerce products. But since then I was getting some queries on how to achieve the same forcontinue reading
wordpress Archives
Best Blogging Tools you will ever need
This is a comprehensive list of Tools and services that I use to create and maintain a blogging site. Are you looking to start a blogging website or looking for the tools required to improve your user experience or to improve SEO score? You have come to the right place. Keep reading to better understandcontinue reading
WooCommerce API Custom Endpoint – Legacy
Deprecated. Please refer How to create WooCommerce API V3 Custom Endpoint here. WooCommerce is great. But when it comes to API, it requires a little work to do some modifications. Let us take an example of custom endpoints. To make your own woocommerce api endpoint to return custom content, follow this tutorial. Create your owncontinue reading
Wpionic-material Demo
Demo coming soon. Update I have not got time to maintain this project. If you are interested to continue the development of WP Ionic Material, please feel free to contact me.
WordPress Ionic Material Design App Instructions
Wpionic-material is a multi-platform mobile application built using ionic framework. It uses wordpress api to get and post data from/to your wordpress site. Ionic uses Cordova to build application archives for Android and Ios Platforms. WP Ionic material design Installation: Install wp-api plugin to your wordpress site. Download wordpress ionic material app source code. Change var server = ‘http://demo.wp-api.org/’;continue reading
How to make Dynamic WordPress Theme Development
There are many wordpress themes out there which look promosing enough to fulfill your design needs. But many of them fail to do so. The problem is they are not dynamic. They are not pluggable. Here are some tips for WordPress Theme Development and to overcome the issue mentioned. WordPress Theme Development Best Practices: Study somecontinue reading